Natasscha Girelli
Art Direction, Creative Direction
I have extensive experience in designing visual brands and art directing photoshoots within the world of fashion and lifestyle. I always had a strong passion for fashion and was soon appointed art director for IC Companys, a Danish fashion house, where I was creative responsible for developing marketing activities locally and internationally, leading photoshoots and designing the graphic identity season after season – for the ‘‘Part Two’’ brand amongst others.
After this I went freelance and I have been creating brand design for brands like Molo kids. I have designed the distinct visual universe and creative edge for Molo kids and I am proud to be a part of Molo’s joy ride.
Other brandnames on my roster include Matinique, Inwear, Only/Bestseller, Jackpot girls, Cottonfield boys, Signal Clothing and Menu – House of Scandinavian design. For SDG / Littlewoods I have art directed photoshoots. My job has been to ad my touch to marketing campaigns for all kinds of brands.
I have travelled extensively and done photoshoots almost everywhere – and under nearly every condition. From Denmark to South Africa… From Maine to Arizona, from Morocco to Paris, Miami to Las Vegas. From Dublin to London, Edinbourgh and Manchester. In the UK I have served duty as a creative and visual design advisor to the management, the designers, the graphic department and the external advertising agency in rebranding processes.
Being a natural team player I come to every job with respect and an open focused mind. In my opinion every brand is unique: ‘‘ Part of every great brand is the people behind it. When agency, client and crew work together that´s when the magic happens. That´s when the world of the brand opens up and gets bigger and better’’
Languages: English
GoSee Profile: GoSee.News/natasschagirelli